10k COTS
Apogee: 9074ft
6in Body Diameter
10ft 2in Tall
10ft Main Parachute
Avionics Bay
3ft Drouge Parachute
8.8lb Payload
M1845 Motor
Overall : 41st of 99
10k COTS: 24th of 47
Nationally: 25th of 53
Ohio: 4th of 5
The 2021-2022 Penguin Rocketry team released their rocket, Peng-One as Youngstown State University made its debut into the Spaceport America Cup. This project marked the inaugural year for the YSU Rocketry Team attending the competition that would soon become a staple for the team. The team entered the competition in the 10K COTS category for their first year competing against over 100 other schools internationally. The team consisted of the founder of the YSU Rocket Club and the three team members worked endlessly to be accepted into the Spaceport America Cup that year.
Appropriately titled Peng-One, the first rocket built by the YSU penguins was shot into the air in June of 2021 at the competition in New Mexico. Flying on a M1845 motor into the sky they reached an apogee of 9074ft. With a body diameter of 6 inches, the rocket stood just above 10 feet tall making this rocket the shortest rocket the team has built historically.
The main expectation and biggest hope for the first rocket of many to come would be for it to fly, not only did the team want it to fly they wanted it to fly well. To compete successfully within their category for the competition the goal was to fly as close to 10,000 feet as possible. The team set a historical precedent being the first team to build and launch a rocket proving that “Penguins Can Fly”.