Arctic Arrow
10k COTS
Apogee: 7983ft
6in Body Diameter
12ft 2in Tall
10ft Main Parachute
Avionics Bay
3ft Drogue Parachute
8.8lb Payload
M1939 Motor
Overall : 52nd of 156
10k COTS: 30th of 85
Nationally: 33rd of 77
Ohio: 2nd of 5
The 2023-2024 Penguin Rocketry Team launched their Artic Arrow at the 2024 Spaceport America Cup, marking the team’s third consecutive year competing in the global competition that is hosted in New Mexico each June. Building off of last year’s success, the 2023-2024 team is aiming to reach the 10,000 ft mark and competed in the 10K COTS category for the competition. The team is pulling together design aspects from both the original Peng-One and Peng-One.2. The Arctic Arrow is a sleek white rocket, accented with red stripes and it stands just above 12 feet making it the tallest rocket built by the team to date.
The main focus for the team was experimenting with materials, mainly the materials for the airframe. The body tubes were manufactured in-house by the team and they used an X-Winder to wind their carbon fiber tubes. These tubes allow for a lightweight aerodynamic design that would set them apart from the prior years. Each 6-inch body tube section was created by the team by winding the carbon fiber filament to create their desired body tubes. Upon recovering their rocket after the competition the team found that their carbon fiber body tubes held up extremely well and set a precedent for each team to come that will set a focus on manufacturing in-house rather than buying all the components.